Sunday 3 May 2009


The dangers of smoking is widely documented in the media and has been for years. There are pros and cons for the different reasons as to why people would statrt smoking. Many things such as peer pressure and to be social, contribute to someone starting smoking but it can't be argues that the media play a big role in influence the positive attitude of smoking.

However smoking is highly dangerous and people have known this for years but still carry on smoking. The way smoking is portrayed in films could be blamed for this as often the media will depict smokig as being "cool" or "seductive".

Thursday 30 April 2009

Swine Flu

There have now been eight confirmed cases of Swine Flu in the UK, causing a mass frenzy in the media and the public. The government are doing everything they can to modify the threat of more cases, by new advertising campaigns and guidance packs handed out to every home in the country.

Considering, there is a pandemic like this every few years, (bird flu, etc.) it is likely that the effects of this will be the same. So the media "hyping" the situation is causing people to panic over something that probably won't affect them as there are millions of people in the country with only eight confirmed cases so far.

Certain groups in society are also more in danger if they are infected, such as elderly, young children etc. and it is also stated that all definite cases of Swine Flu have been treated and the patients are responding well.

Tuesday 24 March 2009

Body Modifications

We all modify our bodies in some way or another, whether it be the mild form of getting regular haircuts or whether it's to the extreme of piercings or tattoos. There are many different reasons for people wishing to modfiy their bodies,

Thursday 12 March 2009


The act of being unfaithful during a serious relationship. It is debatable what is classed as "unfaithful" and what is not, in my opinion kissing is definitley unfaithful, but flirting i don't believe is. We can all flirt without actually realising that we are doing it and in most cases it is fairly innocent.

Infidelity is also often portrayed in the mass media, from many different perspectives. The film "Cruel Intentions", reflects infidelity in a negative way. The way two siblings aim to turn their lives into a sexual conquest, whereas on teh other hand "Brief Encounter" is a film that could be seen as a positive representation of infidelity. Two people who are both in a happy relationship with children, become involved in a relationship by chance. The film has a poignant meaning and allows the audience to reflect on how infidelity should be viewed and whether it is really acceptable in any circumstances.